Monday, November 26, 2012

Guide for candidates to the certification exams

Os dejo varios enlaces a documentos importantes a la hora de enfrentarse al examen de certificación y los de evaluación continua, espero que sean útiles para todos:

En ésta última orden aparecen los siguientes temas de comunicación e intercambios conversacionales en diversas situaciones:
  1. En la clase
  2. En un centro educativo
  3. En un restaurante, cafetería, etc.
  4. En una tienda, supermercado, etc.
  5. Transporte y viajes
  6. En la agencia de viajes
  7. Visitando la ciudad
  8. En un hotel
  9. En la oficina de correos
  10. Hablar por teléfono
  1. En el médico o el hospital
  2. En la comisaría de policía
  3. En el banco
  4. De visita y recibiendo invitados
  5. En el cine, teatro, etc
  6. Buscando alojamiento
  7. En la farmacia
  8. En la oficina
  9. El vehículo privado (I): en la gasolinera y el taller de reparaciones
  10. El vehículo privado (II): circulando y orientándose
Además os dejo el enlace al reglamento de organización y funcionamiento de la EOI por si a alguien le interesara:
Y recordad que existe un blog del departamento de actividades extraescolares y complementarias en éste enlace.

Todos ellos están accesibles en la página de la EOI de Huelva.

Por último comentaros que quien quiera conocer algo más sobre las equivalencias entre las certificaciones y los niveles marcados por el MCRE podéis consultarlo en éste enlace.

Un saludo.

Rob or Steal?



  • To rob a place or a person (of things)
  • To steal objects (from a place or person)

To rob a place or a person (of things) - rob (robbed, robbed)
El verbo to rob va seguido de un lugar o una persona.
Para nombrar el objeto robado se agrega of + el objeto.

They have robbed me.
They robbed the bank.
I was robbed of my cheque-book.

To steal objects (from a place or person) - steal (stole, stolen)
El verbo to steal va seguido del objeto robado.
Para nombrar de dónde o a quién se roba se agrega from + el lugar o la persona.

Someone has stolen my watch.
They stole plenty of money from us.

Related words

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reading Book - The Lady in White

During this first term, I have read the book "The Lady in White" and I would recomend it to all my partners, It was a entertaining, thrilling and frightening story with a happy ending.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Mistress of Spices

Some classmates have been watching this film and maybe we see it again in class another day because of most of classmates have been on strike today.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Tenses for the future

Today we have learnt the use of the tenses for the future, you can review them in the following links:
Lola has given us a summary about this, you can download it here

Homework assignment
We must do the exercises related to each unit (English Grammar in Use - Units 19 to 24).

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Leonard Cohen's speech

Today we have been watching a video about "Leonard Cohen's Prince of Asturias Speech", you can watch it again by the next link.

You can download the script here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Writing about "Describing a person"

In the Unit 1 we have done a writing about "Describing a person".

Maybe interesting try to do it at home.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vocabulary Calendar

Write a new word every day , underline the stress and write the translation may be a brilliant idea , don't you think?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Readig Comprehension - "Language Fever"

Language Fever


  1. Could you name the effects on the new academic year according to the article?
  2. Why is so important to learn new languages?
  3. Why students need to get the B1 level?
  4. How many applicants did not get in this year?
  5. The private language schools are suffering the crisis?
  6. What is the main purpose of unemployed adults?
  7. In general what is the students'level when they start learning a new language?
  8. Are parents aware of the importance of learning a new language?
  9. What is the final option to learn a language in your town according to the article?
  10. Is there an increase in private classes and why?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Song "We are family"

Here is the song we have listened to today, its name is "We are family" which was originally recorded in 1979 by Sister Sledge and its authors are Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers.

And now, here you have the mp3 song to help you fill the gaps.

Video - "Talking about family"

I have three people in my family , and you?

Tenses for the Present, Present Perfect and Past

We have learnt the use of present and past tenses, you can review it at: