Sunday, May 04, 2014

Mother's Day

The world's toughest job 

If you want to see this video with subtitles please press just here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Saint Patrick's Day

History of Saint Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin, capital of Ireland, is part of a festival that lasts five days and it is atended by more than 675,000 people in the year.

Parades also take place in other Irish towns and villages. Other large parades include those of Belfast (Northern Ireland).

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Uses of to take verb

to take a back seat poner en segundo plano
to take a bow hacer una reverencia
to take a chance arriesgarse
to take a dim view on something ver algo con malos ojos
to take a fancy to quedarse prendado de
to take a hike irse a freír espárragos
  • When I started to work as a doctor, my personal life kind of took a back seat.
  • The actor who played Macbeth received a standing ovation and he took a bow.
  • Sam wasn't sure which way to turn so he took a chance and turned left.
  • My parents took a dim view on my marriage because I was too young.
  • Al never liked jazz but all of a sudden he took a fancy to swing music.
  • This drunkard kept asking me for a dime so I told him to take a hike.
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Passive Voice



Comparative structures

If a big difference exists
far + comparative + than  
nowhere near as + adjective + as  
considerably + comparative + than  
not nearly as + adjective + as  
a great deal + comparative + than  
twice/ten times as + adjective + as  
get more and more + adjective  

If a small difference exists
almost as + adjective + as  
nearly as + adjective + as  
slightly + comparative + than  
not quite as + adjective + as  

If no difference exists
as + adjective + as   
not any + comparative + than   
no + comparative + than