Thursday, February 05, 2015


         Con motivo del día de San Valentín la E.O.I de Huelva ha organizado un concurso de postales o tarjetas en los cuatro idiomas impartidos en nuestra escuela (Inglés, Francés, Alemán e Italiano)

 Se tendrá en cuenta la originalidad y la presentación.
 Habrá un primer y un segundo premio a las tarjetas más originales.

  •         El primer premio será un cheque por valor de 20 euros..... (material didáctico)
  •         El segundo premio será un cheque por valor de 15 euros .... (material didáctico)

Fecha límite de entrega Jueves  12/02/2015

"Porque el amor y la amistad no entienden de fronteras"

           Ich liebe dich                                 I love you.              

                                       Je te aime                          Ti am

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


 Adverbs ( theory )

Happy Thanksgiving

 Thanksgiving day in USA

Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November (27/11/2014), is a joyous family festival celebrated with lot of enthusiasm in US, Canada and several other countries. Thanksgiving Day Festival commemorates the feast held by the Pilgrim colonists and members of the Wampanoag people at Plymouth in 1621. On this day people express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love & support. Feasting with family is an integral & most delightful part of Thanksgiving Day celebrations.

See more on the website

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween

Click on the image below to read about Halloween traditions.

Study this vocabulary.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Word Formation

 Word Formation

You can access to an explanation about 'Word Translation' by clicking on the previous image.

Here, you could revise some videos related to the topic.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Mother's Day

The world's toughest job 

If you want to see this video with subtitles please press just here.