Sunday, February 02, 2014

Uses of to take verb

to take a back seat poner en segundo plano
to take a bow hacer una reverencia
to take a chance arriesgarse
to take a dim view on something ver algo con malos ojos
to take a fancy to quedarse prendado de
to take a hike irse a freír espárragos
  • When I started to work as a doctor, my personal life kind of took a back seat.
  • The actor who played Macbeth received a standing ovation and he took a bow.
  • Sam wasn't sure which way to turn so he took a chance and turned left.
  • My parents took a dim view on my marriage because I was too young.
  • Al never liked jazz but all of a sudden he took a fancy to swing music.
  • This drunkard kept asking me for a dime so I told him to take a hike.
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